
Dir­ector Andres Lepik
Cur­ator Regine Hess


July 16 – Octo­ber 18, 2015
Archi­tec­ture Museum of TU Munich
Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich


Paul Schneider-Esleben (1915–2005) was one of the most suc­cess­ful archi­tects in the Fed­eral Repub­lic of Ger­many from the early post­war period until the nine­teen-sev­en­ties. Schneider-Esleben’s hun­dredth birth­day, which he would have cel­eb­rated in 2015, offered the oppor­tun­ity to take a fresh look at his mul­ti­fa­ceted oeuvre.

There being presen­ted are not only his major build­ings, but also his less well-known designs as well as his fur­niture and jew­elry designs. It may has come as a sur­prise that this exhib­i­tion was tak­ing place in Munich and not in the Rhine­land, where Schneider-Esleben main­tained an office in Düsseldorf and cre­ated the major­ity of his most import­ant works, rather this res­ults from the fact that he’d already bequeathed his archi­tec­tural estate to the Tech­nical Uni­ver­sity of Munich’s Archi­tec­ture Museum in 1994.

The over thirty-one thou­sand draw­ings and twenty-four thou­sand pho­to­graphs as well as over one hun­dred mod­els and many writ­ten archival doc­u­ments were handed over by his daugh­ter Claudia Schneider-Esleben in 2006 and have been under­go­ing schol­arly ana­lysis here since 2013. This exhib­i­tion offered ini­tial insights into the mater­ial, res­ults, and ques­tions that are today being asked with respect to Schneider-Esleben’s work.

Visit the exhib­i­tion page

Watch the accom­pa­ny­ing film by Gereon Wet­zel and Josef May­er­hofer here

Paul Schneider-Esleben. Architect, Exhibition at Architecture Museum of TUM, Pinakothek der Moderne, München, 2015, Dr. Regine Hess © Margret Hoppe

Ban­ner by Andreas Platzgum­mer using a pho­to­graph by Mar­gret Hoppe
© Mar­gret Hoppe


Archi­tec­ture Museum of
Tech­nical Uni­ver­sity of Munich, Pinakothek der Moderne


Paul Schneider-Esleben. Architekt


Die Befreiung­shalle in Kel­heim. Vom Nationaldenkmal zum Erbe der Welt


Der Architekt. Ein Berufsstand in Geschichte und Geg­en­wart


L’architecture engagée. Mani­feste für eine Ver­än­der­ung der Gesell­schaft

Staat­liche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe


Bauen und Zei­gen. Aus Geschichte und Geg­en­wart der Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
(Cur­ator, in col­lab­or­a­tion with Prof. Dr. Pia Müller-Tamm)


Pia Fries. Krapprhizom Luisenkupfer


Miroslaw Balka. Wir sehen dich


Von Rodin bis Giac­ometti. Plastik der Moderne