Com­mu­nic­ate & 

Wahl­fach Denkmalpflege,
Elect­ive Course Monu­ment Preservation,
Fall Semester 2021

Regine Hess, Fabian Kast­ner
Chair Con­struc­tion Heritage and Preservation
ETH Zurich

Cooper­a­tion with S AM
Swiss Archi­tec­ture Museum

The focus in the fall semester of 2021 was on vari­ous pos­i­tions of monu­ment preservation and their com­mu­nic­a­tion to the pub­lic on the part of monu­ment pre­ser­va­tion­ists, archi­tects and cur­at­ors. There were two nar­rat­ives to be imple­men­ted, the medi­ation of which was tested at spe­cific loc­a­tions. The nar­rativ ecology/building in the exist­ing stock was addressed by the Davos Baukul­tur Qual­ity Sys­tem, the gender narrative by the Gender Action Plan of ETH as well as the report of Engage DARCH.

The stu­dents examined exhib­i­tions at the S AM in Basel (together with the dir­ector, Andreas Ruby) and at the Museum für Gestal­tung in Zurich, the lat­ter with the “Ana­lysis Sheet Exhib­i­tion and Design”. This provided the basic know­ledge with which the stu­dents them­selves became act­ive as cur­at­ors and exhib­i­tion design­ers. Rus­mir Ramic (Ram­ic­soen­ario, Ber­lin), an expert in par­ti­cip­at­ory exhib­i­tion design, set the thought and design pro­cess in motion in his lec­ture with the ques­tion “How can human decision-mak­ing pro­cesses be visualized?”.

An import­ant impulse was also given by Stéphane Man­gen­ant (Game Tech­no­logy Center/ETH Zurich) through his intro­duc­tion in the game pro­gram­ming tool Candli. This shif­ted the design pro­cess to the digital space, which was eval­u­ated by the final cri­tique with Silke Langenberg and Orkun Kasap (Chair of Con­struc­tion Heritage and His­toric Preservation) and Yuma Shino­hara (S AM).

Laura Franceschini, Environment, Building Culture of Glarn, Elective Course, Dr. Regine Hess, ETH Zürich, Fall Semester 2021 © Laura Franceschini

Laura Franceschini, Build­ing Cul­ture of Glarn, Elect­ive Course, Fall Semester 2021 © Laura Franceschini

Laura Franceschini, Genius Loci, Building Culture of Glarn, Elective Course, Dr. Regine Hess, ETH Zürich, Fall Semester 2021 © Laura Franceschini

For Wo*Men only
Gender Exclus­ive

Sem­inar trip to Val Müstair, Gris­ons, Fall semester 2021


Silke Langenberg, Regine Hess, Robin Rehm
Con­struc­tion ­Heri­tage and ­Preser­vation, ETH Zurich

Doing Gender is what Har­old Garfinkel has called the every­day pro­cess by which we determ­ine the gender of those who act. Doing Gender does not work without places in ana­log and digital space, in lit­er­at­ure, in sci­ence, tech­no­logy or history. Doing Gender makes archi­tec­ture and shapes archi­tec­tural heritage. 

Val Müstair, with its many lay­ers of reli­gion and spir­itu­al­ity, build­ing cul­ture, arts and crafts, agri­cul­ture, industry and tech­no­logy, as well as archae­ology, monu­ment preservation, world heritage and tour­ism, offers a fas­cin­at­ing space of invest­ig­a­tion for fem­in­in­ity and mas­culin­ity in archi­tec­tural heritage. Gender Exclus­ive Spaces play an import­ant role in Doing Gender in mon­as­tery, forest and quarry, in kit­chen and work­shop. We explore their pro­duc­tion and com­mu­nic­a­tion in both intu­it­ive and cog­nit­ive ways by get­ting to know per­son­al­it­ies and spaces, walk­ing the val­ley, read­ing, dis­cuss­ing, and documenting. 

Seminar Trip Group at Lai da Rims, Grisons, Teaching Dr. Regine Hess, ETH Zürich, Fall Semester 2021 © Laurianne Chassot

Sem­inar Trip Group at Lai da Rims, Gris­ons © Lauri­anne Chassot


2021 – 2022

Chair Con­struc­tion Heritage and Monu­ment Preservation


Wahl­fach Denkmalpflege: Ver­mit­teln & Aus­s­tel­len, in col­lab­or­a­tion with Prof. Dr. Silke Langenberg and Fabian Kastner


For Wo*Men only. Gender exclus­ive Spaces, Kloster St. Johann, Müstair, in col­lab­or­a­tion with Prof. Dr. Silke Langenberg and Dr. Robin Rehm

Focus Works

Berta Rahms Pavil­lon zur SAFFA58. Mater­i­al­sammlung und den­k­malp­flegerisches Gutachten

Gender Exclus­ive Spaces

Das Kinder­dorf St. Anton in Leuk von Heidi und Peter Wenger,
1970 – 1987

Archiviertes Kon­struk­tion­serbe

Women / Moms in Science

Tech­nical Uni­ver­sity of Munich
2009 – 2019

Chair of History of Archi­tec­ture and Cur­at­orial Practice


Die Inter­na­tionale Bauauss­tel­lung Ber­lin 1957 und ihre Vorläufer

Die Stadt von Mor­gen: Die Inter­na­tionale Bauauss­tel­lung Ber­lin 1957

The Inter­bau Ber­lin 1957 as City of Tomorrow

Die Inter­na­tionale Bauauss­tel­lung Ber­lin 1957 und ihre Vorläufer

Die Moderne kehrt zurück. Die inter­na­tionale Bauauss­tel­lung Ber­lin 1957


The Post-Cata­strophic City: Ruins, Archi­tec­ture, and Urban Resi­li­ence, in col­lab­or­a­tion with Prof. Dr. Gab­ri­ella Cosentino Cianciolo

Nach­kriegsar­chitek­tur aus­s­tel­len – Baupro­jekte aus dem Archiv, in col­lab­or­a­tion with Dr. Anja Schmidt

Im Zeichen der Krise: Architek­tur, The­orie und Architek­turauss­tel­lungen zwis­chen 1929 und 1949


Bauhaus In&Out: Von Wei­mar bis Tel Aviv

Shift of Scale. Post­war Archi­tec­ture in Munich in its Con­tem­por­ary Surroundings

Pro­jek­t­werkstatt Kur­at­or­ische Praxis: Paul Schneider-Esleben und die Architek­tur seiner Zeit, in col­lab­or­a­tion with Prof. Dr. Andres Lepik


Architek­tur kur­atieren. Ana­lyse, Meth­ode, Praxis, beg­leitendes Sem­inar, in col­lab­or­a­tion with Dr. Hilde Strobl

Ausstellungsgestaltung/Exhibition Design, in col­lab­or­a­tion with Prof. Dr. Andres Lepik and Dr. Vera Simone Bader


Zelle der Zukunft. Geschichte und kur­at­or­ische Praxis von Bauauss­tel­lungen, Weißen­hof­sied­lung, Organ­isa­tions­büro IBA’27, Stuttgart

Bauhaus In&Out: Von Wei­mar bis Tel Aviv, Bauhaus-Uni­versität Wei­mar, Bauhaus Des­sau, Tel Aviv, Jer­u­s­alem, Haifa

Exhib­i­tion Mak­ing. From Concept to Design, Yad Vashem, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem

Im Zeichen der Krise: Architek­tur 1929–1949, Reich­s­parteit­ags­gelände, Dok­u­ment­a­tion­szen­trum Nürnberg

Paul Schneider-Esleben und die Architek­tur seiner Zeit, Düsseldorf, Köln

Chair for the History of Archi­tec­ture and Civil Engineering


Den­k­mäler für Krieg und Frieden in Europa seit 1800, in col­lab­or­a­tion with Prof. Dr. Ing. Winfried Nerdinger

Ana­lyse unge­bauter Architek­tur des 20. Jahrhun­derts, in col­lab­or­a­tion with Prof. Dr. Ing. Winfried Nerdinger

Chair of Spa­tial Design


Gestal­tung­s­prin­zipien von Peter Zumthor – emo­tion­san­a­lyt­isch betrachtet, Gestal­tung­s­prin­zipien von Daniel Libe­s­kind – emo­tion­san­a­lyt­isch betrachtet

Uni­ver­sity of Kassel

Fachge­biet Architektur-geschichte


Zelle der Zukunft. Geschichte und kur­at­or­ische Praxis von Bauausstellungen

Tel Aviv Uni­ver­sity

David Azri­eli School
of Archi­tec­ture


Exhib­i­tion Mak­ing. From Concept to Design

Karlsruhe Institute
of Tech­no­logy 2009/2010

Insti­tut für
Bau- und Kunstgeschichte

Aca­demic Exercise

Museum­sauss­tel­lungen: Konzep­tion – Durch­führung – Vermittlung